We use 100% soy wax in all our candles and wax products.  Completely natural with nothing added, just as nature intended.

Cotton Wicks

To wick our candles we use a unique, zinc free, 100% natural cotton fibre wick that remains rigid and straight as the candle burns. The stiffness of the wick is important as it helps to maintain a consistent flame to avoid overheating on one side. Self-trimming, they also minimise carbon build up allowing for a clean burn. Unlike other conventional cotton wicks, the ones we use are not pre-coated in wax, we dip the wicks in our own eco soy wax to allow for a cleaner, more stable burn.

Eco Soy Wax

Soy wax is a 100% natural wax produced from soybeans. It is renewable, supporting farmers and agriculture. Being non-toxic it provides a cleaner burn, producing little soot. It does not contain toxins, carcinogens or pollutants so will be less likely to trigger allergies and toxins within the environment. Soy wax burns more slowly, cooler and for longer due to a lower melting point, therefore producing a product that lasts 30% longer than a paraffin candle. It is far better for the environment than a conventional candle as it is biodegradable.

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